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Blog How Many Hours Can a Commercial Dash Cam

How Many Hours Can a Commercial Dash Cam Record?

One of the key components of an effective dash cam is how long it can record. Driver safety begins with a reliable way to record video and get access to it on demand.

If you own a fleet of commercial vehicles, you need to ask yourself two important questions, “what in-cab dash cam is best for my fleet, and how long can the dash cams record?”

The average fleet dash camera records depending on the SD card storage space. On average, you’re looking at 3-50 hours.

However, GPS Insight prides itself on two state-of-the-art cameras, the Drive360 all-in-one and Driveri. These cameras are a step above the rest because they can save data to an SD card and the cloud. 

 SD Card features are 12-24 hours for the Drive360 camera — depending on how many alerts are generated — and 50 hours of drive time for the Driveri camera.

 For cloud storage, the Drive 360 camera will store footage in the cloud for up to 30 days. Driveri will store footage for three months.

Fleet managers often struggle with challenges ranging from false accident blame to service disputes and rising insurance premiums. In these moments, the reliability and functionality of dash cameras is important. Being able to access footage from the cloud can be far more effective when fighting these claims. 

However, not every camera system is the same. Depending on your business and how many fleet vehicles you have could help determine what type of dash cam you need. Choosing the right solution requires a nuanced understanding of how efficiently these cameras record and how they address the unique pain points experienced on the road.

Dash Cam Recording Technologies and Storage Dynamics

Different dash cams leverage various recording technologies—loop recording, event-triggered recording, and continuous recording. The duration a dash cam can record before overwriting previous footage is intimately tied to its storage capacity.

For a majority of dash cams, the determining factor is based on the size SD card in your camera. Obviously, a 128 GB card will record much more than a 32 GB card. The size of your storage card makes a difference in hours of footage you could have access to at any given time. Being able to view the dash cam video becomes an easy process as you can export the video footage onto your computer.

When selecting an optimal dash cam for your fleet, two standout options emerge: Drive360 and Driveri. These cameras not only boast impressive recording times but also integrate features designed to address the challenges faced by fleet managers directly.

Fleet Dash Cams Go Beyond An SD Card

As a fleet manager, sometimes you need storage beyond a SD card to get access to footage for your fleet. You never know when someone will try and pin an accident your fleet may or may not have caused. That’s why GPS Insight has solutions for fleets of all shapes and sizes. Which is why we’re proud of our two cameras which have the capacity to reach beyond the standard SD card storage scenarios. When law enforcement frequently seeks dash cam footage for accident investigations and every mile is under scrutiny, investing in these advanced dash cams isn’t just about recording the road.

By blending recording duration with proactive protection features, the Drive360 and Driveri dash cameras redefine the fleet management landscape, ensuring comprehensive coverage and fortifying peace of mind for those navigating the challenges of the road. Sometimes, those changes can happen overnight, like they did for our partners at Pacific Office Automation.

Almost immediately after getting their dashcams up and running, one of their vehicles was involved in an accident. Thankfully, because of their dash cameras, they were able to show hard evidence they were not at fault and save themselves from a false claim.

How Else Could Dash Cams Work for My Fleet?

For most fleet managers, being able to put yourself in the passenger seat is the best way to keep an eye on your team. Because we know that’s not a realistic solution, the next option would be a reliable dashboard camera.

Video is superior to having to go against a potentially false claim because you have tangible evidence your drivers were not responsible for an accident they may have been accused of causing. Dash cams are also great at monitoring your driver’s behavior.

It can track things like:

  • Speeding violations
  • Following too close
  • Potential accident
  • Running through a stop sign
  • Distracted driver
  • Hard braking
  • Not wearing a seatbelt
  • Hard acceleration
  • Turning too hard
  • Traffic signal violations
  • Swerving
  • The camera being blocked
  • And more!
Most advanced fleet dash cams can send you notifications to a mobile app if there is risky driving. That feature alone will help reduce your premiums with the insurance companies

Drive360: Fleet Safety All-Around

Drive360 takes a proactive approach, recording directly onto the SD card in real time. When a specific event is requested, the footage uploads to the cloud, remaining accessible for a 30-day window. This cloud-centric methodology makes sure that incidents are preserved, offering an invaluable layer of protection against false claims.

The camera has a 360-degree lens which can optimize your fleet tracking as you’re able to see a broader view. It’s hard to dispute any video evidence when you’re able to see both your driver and the road at the same time.

Driveri: AI Telematics and the Cloud

Driveri goes the extra mile by automatically uploading camera events to the cloud, providing a 3-month review window for alerts. Non-alert footage finds a home on the SD card, allowing for approximately 40-50 drive time hours—equivalent to about a week’s worth of readily available video footage.

The Driveri camera also comes with state-of-the-art artificial intelligence that makes for even easier video recording and tracking as it can recognize objects on the road. It also has two cameras, one driver-facing and another that faces the road.

Like the Drive360, it optimizes your ability to see driving behavior outside and in-cab. The integration of GPS tracking and 360-degree recording amplifies visibility, resulting in a comprehensive solution for fleet management.

If you’d like to learn more about our top-tier fleet dash cams feel free to book a demo.

See how you can increase your capacity of video files to protect your fleet from false insurance claims and also improve driver behavior.

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